A Conversation with Dr. Dina about Hair Thinning
Dr. Dina Strachan, MD - Board Certified Dermatologist & PHYTO Ambassador
At PHYTO we know all about hair thinning and loss. We have worked tirelessly to create a collection of formulas to combat hair thinning using the power of botanicals. Botanicals that help hair thrive and flourish and nurture your scalp and hair. We also like to surround ourselves with allies who are experts in all things hair, scalp, and skin. We’ve talked to you about our friend, Dr. Dina, who is an incredible arsenal of knowledge. She’s back once again dropping so much wisdom about hair thinning and loss.
In this Q&A, we really dug into this topic. Dr. Dina discusses what hair thinning actually is as well as a number of the causes behind it. She also helps breakdown the difference between temporary vs. chronic hair thinning. Surprisingly, many people do not even know they are suffering from hair loss, so she helps uncover some common symptoms. Not only does she delve into some of the treatments, but she provides great information on which PHYTO products she suggests for specific scenarios.
Check out our discussion with Dr. Dina below for more information on hair thinning and loss.
What is hair loss?
Hair loss is part of the natural life cycle of our hair. Hairs grow, rest, fall out and then are replaced. We naturally lose 100-150 hairs a day. The density of our hair naturally reduces in the late 20s and sometimes after about age 60. A person is usually described as having hair loss, however, when the hair falls out faster than it is replaced, the hair breaks, the hair stops growing, or bald spots appear outside of the normal cycle of hair shedding. And remember, alopecia just means hair loss.
What are the main causes attributed to hair loss?
The most common type of hair loss is genetic--androgenetic alopecia (also known as male or female pattern hair loss). Other common types are telogen effluvium (which can be secondary to childbirth, thyroid problems, medications, surgery, diet, or stress), alopecia areata (which is autoimmune), traction alopecia (which is from physical trauma), scarring alopecias (which have many causes), and trichorrhexis nodosa (which is damage to the hair from styling).
What are the main differences between temporary or chronic thinning?
Most cases of temporary thinning are due to telogen effluvium which can occur secondary to medications, diet, surgery, childbirth and some medical conditions such as thyroid disease. When the insult is removed, telogen effluvium tends to resolve. Chronic hair thinning is usually secondary to androgenetic alopecia which is a genetic condition.
How do I know I’m suffering from hair loss?
You may be suffering from hair loss if you notice that your hair is thinning (e.g. your ponytail isn't as thick), you see bald spots or find excess hair in the comb, the shower or on your pillow.
What are the most common ways to treat hair loss or hair thinning?
How one treats hair loss or hair thinning depends on the cause. The treatment may require addressing a health issue, a change in diet, a topical or oral medication, a procedure, or just patience. Whether or not one suffers from hair loss or hair thinning, good hair and scalp care are important in maintaining ideal hair and scalp health.
How would you recommend patients to use the different Phyto Hair Thinning Solutions?
It is important to determine if your hair loss is secondary to a medical problem or styling habit. After the cause is determined, there are a number of PHYTO products that can support denser hair:
PHYTODENSIA Routine is an option for addressing hair thinning due to advancing age.
PHYTONOVATHRIX Routine is helpful in generally improving the density of hair.
PHYTO 7, PHYTO 9, and PHYTOKÉRATINE Extrême Routine are helpful if hair loss is secondary to it being brittle from dryness or styling damage.
While PHYTO’s mission is to provide our customers with healthy and beautiful hair and scalp, make sure to visit a doctor if you feel your condition does not improve or worsen after a while.